Saturday, January 11, 2014


This Year...

As i pack away the last of my Christmas decorations, i can't help but reflect on the last year. We welcomed a happy handsome baby boy to our lives who has brought us so much joy, my husband had his dreams come true by winning a hunting show of his own and we got to watch our little baby girl grow into a happy, playful toddler. I really do feel blessed and when i feel myself get frustrated or overwhelmed i try and remind myself that i am really lucky.

This last year has also taught me a lot about myself. I have learned to ask for help a bit more, I have learned that i can't always do it all and that people (especially my family) really don't mind helping. I've learned that i need a few moments to myself each day, to gather my thoughts and just breathe. I've been reminded that a nice bath at the end of a long week is really a magic cure for most things and that watching my husband be the most amazing father is some of the best parts of my day.

This last year has also had its tough moments, having two kids under the age of two was really hard for the first few months (and lets be honest there will still always be those really tough moments) it was hard to juggle both of their needs and i always felt like i was lacking on the mommy front to one of them at any given time. There didn't seem like there was enough hours in a day (really there still doesn't, so i guess thats stayed the same) and i felt pulled in multiple directions. The biggest thing has been learning to divide my attention while still making sure that both my of children feel loved and cherished each and every minute. I still don't think i have mastered that yet and maybe i never will but i figure if i continue to try i have to get it right one day.

So goodbye 2013, thank you for the memories. 2014, lets do this.

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